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Engaging lives and changing minds

Fall Open House 2024


Growing a Graduate


Come and join us for Growing a Graduate Night on Wednesday, November 19th from 6:30 - 8:00 pm!

Join us for a more intimate, personalized Open House experience for you. Come experience TCS on a deeper lever. A must attend event to better understand the Classical method and it’s unmatched results.  

We know many of you are weighing your secondary school options. This is your opportunity to learn and dive deeper into the classical method, hear from current and former students, parents, and administrators about why you can be excited to apply to Trinity or to partner with TCS in a complete journey through 12th grade for your child. 

Join us in-person at the Mauka Campus, 875 Auloa Road, for this important evening.

Sign up below!

Growing a Graduate - TCS Fall Open House Registration - November 19th 2024
  • Thank you for reserving your spot for the Trinity Christian School Growing a Graduate - Fall Open House. 

    Please use the form below to indicate your interest. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at your convenience.

Our Goal for Our Students

Trinity aims for graduates that love God, love others, love learning, think and communicate effectively, engage culture, delight in beauty, and walk humbly.

Loves God

  • Gladly submits to God’s authority in his/her life
  • Seeks to know the heart of Christ and be transformed into His likeness
  • Regards all work as a grateful response to the Good News of Jesus Christ
  • Seeks understanding in God’s Word and nurtures affection for it
  • Cultivates a life of prayer
  • Values participation with a local church body
  • Trusts God and His means of grace in the midst of trial or temptation

Loves Others

  • Dignifies and respects all people as made in the image of God
  • Practices hospitality with his/her gifts and resources
  • Pursues servant-leadership
  • Honors authority in thought, word, and deed
  • Extends grace and mercy to others
  • Displays compassion for the brokenhearted
  • Protects the weak and oppressed

Loves to Learn

  • Values learning as a lifetime pursuit of truth, goodness, and beauty
  • Delights in all subjects and disciplines with wonder and awe for the Author of them
  • Undertakes the study of challenging subjects
  • Reads carefully, critically, and copiously
  • Seeks to understand both sides of an argument with intellectual honesty
  • Exhibits mastery of subjects and excellence in academic pursuits
  • Physically trains his/her body for health and fitness as an act of stewardship

Thinks and Communicates Effectively

  • Listens carefully and asks probing questions
  • Thinks clearly while discerning what is true
  • Logically evaluates choices and applies biblically-informed wisdom
  • Allows for patient reflection as a means of discernment
  • Employs principles and tools contained within the liberal arts and sciences
  • Writes and speaks eloquently, persuasively, and honestly

Engages Culture

  • Understands the progression of Western thought through the study of theology, philosophy, and literature
  • Applies a Christian worldview to personal and cultural questions
  • Trusts in the authority, clarity, necessity, and sufficiency of Scripture
  • Is faithfully present in the world, even if it is hostile to the Christian faith
  • Views career as a vocation from God and a service to His Kingdom
  • Confronts arguments raised against the knowledge of God
  • Is always prepared to defend his hope in Christ and to do so with love and humility

Delights in Beauty

  • Recognizes and loves beauty as displayed in God’s creation
  • Values God’s common grace given to man via the arts and in society
  • Possesses aesthetic sensibilities to discern beauty in the arts
  • Promotes what is most beautiful

Walks Humbly

  • Embraces humility as the root of all virtue
  • Understands that virtue is Spirit-led as a result of God’s grace alone
  • Demonstrates genuine growth in fruits of the Spirit for the good of others
  • Seeks wisdom from godly counsel
  • Lives in community and seeks accountability
  • Pursues a respectful decorum in speech, attitude, and demeanor
  • Practices discipline in the training of mind, body, and spirit
