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New Podcast on Classical Christian Education

March 22, 2019
By Trinity Christian School

"Surely what a man does when he is taken off guard is the best evidence for what sort of man he is.”—C.S. Lewis

In a new podcast from the CiRCE Institute, "Brian Phillips is joined by Keith McCurdy, President and CEO of Total Life Counseling in Roanoke, Virginia. In addition to his over 30 years of counseling experience, Mr. McCurdy has spoken at the annual conferences for the Society for Classical Learning (SCL) and the Association of Christian and Classical Schools (ACCS). In this episode, Brian and Keith discuss the value of struggle, how hardship makes us stronger, and how those truths can us stronger, and how those truths can be applied by parents and teachers alike."

Find the podcast (episode is first in the list) on iTunes here

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